Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You're mind's in Disturbia

Ok, I decided to just go ahead and make another post because I know the masses are craving it. I recently ran across 2 lists of movies on a website that I thought would make for a great sort of journey by watching the movies on the list. The list was 15 most confusing movies and then the 15 most disturbing movies. Well we all know how easily I can get confused so I figured it would be better to start with the 15most disturbing. Now let me preface all of this with the following, I can watch hack and slash movies, zombies, wild exploding bodies, but if its anything medical or slightly real, I can get a little ooky watching it. I think Touristas was a good example of this, there were several times I had to close my eyes and watch thru my fingers. Now having publicly diminished my own manhood, I will continue. So the first movie off the list that we decided to watch was The Human Centipede. I'm sure like me, most of you have heard a thing or two about this movie or saw the amazing breakdown of the movie on Tosh.0, but I was not prepared. I won't go into details so as not to ruin anything for anyone who is brave enough to watch it except that despite the mediocre acting and being a little slow, that it is well worth making it thru the viewing just to be able to say you did it. I was almost not lucky enough to be able to be one of those people. About the time that things started to get really intense I began watching thru my fingers and thought ok, I can handle this. Then it got hotter in the room and I was now watching thru my pillow instead of my fingers. As the menagerie of mayhem continued I noticed I was getting clammy and there seemed to be a slight ringing in my ears. I immediately had a flashback to Jr. High Life Science Class where we tested our blood to determine our blood types. I must once again thank the 2 wonderful classmates who had to escort me to the nurses office after nearly passing out. It was socially scarring back then but I think its hella funny in context now. OK back to the present and the movie, I literally had to stop the movie and go sit down in the bathroom and put a cold washcloth on my head for about 10 minutes. Now thankfully, I have an amazing boyfriend who knew exactly the right amout of grief to give me when I reentered the room. Luckily, at that point I thought it was hilarious as well. I mean I may as well laugh at myself for being such a whimp before everyone else does. That being said, I did finish the rest of the movie and despite my little "episode" I am glad I finished it. I recommend it just to get feedback from others once they have seen it, so feel free to comment. I'm sure most of you wonder why I would even tell this story, and in the beginning I figured it need never be known by anyone. However, anyone who really knows me, knows I would have to share it with everyone. So from my shame to your entertainment. 1 movie down 14 to go. Hopefully they get easier from here on out. Peace and chicken grease, my little Ro-bear Berbils!!

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